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February 1 + Daily readings & notes

DAY 32

We're reading about Aaron and his sons being ordained as priests today.  We've already read what they will do, but today they will actually do it.

Make sure to watch today's video.  The Bible Project does a great job of explaining what the priests' role is and how the offerings and clean/unclean designations function in the worship of God's people.


Leviticus 8-10 & Psalm 32


Leviticus 8:5
  • Moses emphasizes that what is about to be done has already been prescribed by God.  He and the people are following what God has commanded to be done.
Leviticus 8:6
  • The first step toward ordination was the washing with water.  Surely we see a parallel to our idea of water baptism.
  • Notice that throughout the remainder of the chapter the text repeatedly identifies Moses as the one who is performing these acts of ordination over Aaron and his sons.  
Leviticus 8:23
  • Interesting that the ear lobe, thumb and big toe are specific to this ritual.  The bishop only put his hands on my head when I was ordained!
Leviticus 8:30
  • Not only is Aaron and his sons consecrated, but their vestments as well.  They have a function in their role as priests.
Leviticus 9:1
  • The 8th day represents the time immediately following the 7 days of ordination.
Leviticus 9:6-8
  • Moses indicates that all this is a way to prepare the people so that God may appear to them.
  • Aaron takes his first turn performing the priestly actions.
    • He concludes his first act by raising his hands to bless the people (Verse 22).
Leviticus 9:23-24
  • All is done well, and God appears to the people.
  • They shout and fall to their faces.  Had they been silent before?  What was the mood throughout all this?
Leviticus 10:1
  • Even the priests get it wrong!  Immediately after being ordained, two of Aaron's sons tinker with the fires of God and pay the price.  
  • There's also an idea that they were punished because they drank wine before entering the sanctuary.  That is connected to Verse 8's admonishment to refrain from drinking beforehand.
  • What's most important, though, is that they did an act that was not commanded by God.
Leviticus 10:3
  • Perhaps a reference to Exodus 29:43.
  • Does Aaron's silence represent acknowledgement?  Mourning?  
Leviticus 10:16-20
  • Moses investigates why the sons of Aaron did not eat the remainder of the sin offering.  He is not happy they have not followed through.  
  • Aaron speaks up for his sons.  


These chapters deal with the ordination of Aaron and his sons.  I'm glad we've changed our ordination ways!  What we haven't changed, however, is something that is most vital to the idea of consecration: the people's involvement.

Moses consecrates and God ordains the priests.  But the people are a part of it.  They are present.  They have a function.

The same is true today.  I'll just use my ordination as a pastor as an example.  It wasn't my idea to be a pastor.  The church, the people of God, gave me the idea.  And it was the people of God who would help me confirm my calling.  The people of God affirmed my calling.  They taught me, led, voted on me, and prayed for me.  Many were present when I was actually ordained.

So, I know it's not my calling.  It's God's calling that the church helped me recognized.

That's the way it should be.  We should be a people that helps those among us recognize their call, whether that's a call to ordination or any other kind of service to God.  Pay attention to the gifts of others.  Pray for each other.  Ask God to show you who has a calling.  It's an exiting part of our life together!

Stay blessed...john


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