DAY 58
What does the Bible mean to love God with our soul? That's what we're talking about in today's Bible Project video.
Deuteronomy 15:2- The remission of debts is God's plan to ensure that people are not kept under bondage to others. It is a release for the debt holder, and, to be sure, it is God's remission.
Deuteronomy 15:4-11
- Verse 4 suggests the Israelites faithfulness will mean there will never be anyone in need. It'd be a great conversation to have discussing that verse with verses 7 and 11.
- God's command to care for the poor is related to the giver's heart and actions. The NRSV says to be careful with even a "mean thought." That might be a little bland. The text says something like "be on guard that your decadent heart...."
- The Isrealites are called to give and to not be grieved when they give. In other words, give with joy because God has allowed you to be in a position to help.
Deuteronomy 15:12-18
- The remission of debts is for those who are slaves, too. Not only is a slave owner expected to let the slave go free, there should be a great provision given to them to begin their life again. The slave also has the opportunity to decide to remain under the master.
- Of course, all of these relates back to the Isrealites' days as slaves in Egypt.
Deuteronomy 16
- This chapter recalls the observance of the passover, the festival of weeks and the festival of booths.
- God forbids the use of sacred poles and monuments to be used near the altar.
Psalm 58
- The psalmist doesn't pull any punches. He calls out the gods that seem to lead the wicked. Together, the gods and the wicked bring violence and injustice upon others.
God expects his people to be generous. The reason is because God has given them this new land to live their lives. God delivered them, and expects they will recall that it was not by their strength, ability or wisdom that brought them there. As such, since the land, the journey and the promise itself is God's, the people are not to hoard their resources for themselves. They are to give freely and generously, without any thought of contempt against the person receiving their gifts.How easy is that for us today?
Maybe we need to remember that it's not ours. If we could let go of our need to feel comfortable and the desire to obtain so much more than we need (how many TVs, cars, houses and shoes do we need to truly be happy?), we could actually help more people experience the joy of God's freedom.
Here's something I think of often that relates to what we could really do:
“Sometimes I would like to ask God why He allows poverty, suffering, and injustice when He could do something about it.”
“Well, why don’t you ask Him?”
“Because I’m afraid He would ask me the same question.”
Stay blessed...john
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