DAY 69
We're finishing the book of Joshua today. The people have entered the land, conquered the nations and are ready for rest. Joshua has one final word to give the Israelites before he passes.
Let's hear those powerful words again.

Let's hear those powerful words again.

Joshua 22-24 & Psalm 69DAILY NOTES
Joshua 22:4- A reminder that the land was given as rest for the people.
Joshua 22:10-12
- As the Reubenites, Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh go home, they fear their ties with the people of Israel will be cut in future generations. So, they build an altar as a witness for future generations of their take with Israel.
- The rest of Israel see this as the others turning away from God and were prepared to go to war against them.
Joshua 22:30
- The Israelites believe the testimony of the Reubenites, Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh.
Joshua 23
- Joshua reminds the people that God's blessings and curses are still relevant.
Joshua 24:15-16
- Joshua instructs the Israelites to make a choice of who they will follow. It will be the gods of their ancestors, the gods of the people they have conquered or God. There is no in between.
- The people respond by professing allegiance to God.
Joshua 24:29-33
- The second great leader of the Israelites dies. Aaron's son dies, too. This is the ending of a generation of leaders for the Israelites.
Psalm 69
- The psalmist finds himself in distress and the laughing stock of so many others.
- His prayer is that God would answer his prayer and make away against those people.
- The psalm ends with a recognition of what is most important to God: praise.
There's a Bob Dylan song that comes to mind when I read Joshua 24. Here are the words to the chorus:
But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes
Indeed you're gonna have to serve somebody
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody
It seems like Joshua could have written those words. He knew the people were going to serve somebody (some god). The clear choice for Joshua was choosing to serve God, but he still gave the people the choice. "Choose you this day...."
The same choice is ours today. If we're not serving God, we're probably serving ourselves (our jobs, our careers, our desires, even our kids). As Christians, though, we cannot serve ourselves or others faithfully if we are not first serving God.
Have you examined your service to God lately? Make sure what you do with your life aligns with the choice you say you've made to follow God.
Stay blessed...john
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