DAY 73
If you haven't already heard the story, after today, you'll be able tell the story behind this picture. Blessings!

Judges 9-12 & Psalm 73DAILY NOTES
Judges 9- This chapter outlines the rise and fall of Abimelech.
- The chapter opens with his desire to rule over the people. He is confirmed and immediately kills "70" brothers, except the youngest who is able to hide.
- The younger brother offers a curse to the leaders who selected Abimelech because he killed his family.
- Abimelech goes into battle and is, somewhat, successful. He then turns his attention on the people of the city (not the troops).
- A woman standing in a tower throws a millstone on Abimelech. He is close to death, but orders someone to kill him so it can't be said he was killed by a woman. #MachoMan
Judges 10
- Two judges, Tola & Jair, are mentioned.
- The people turn from God again. This time, when they cry out, God says he will not deliver them. It is later stated, however, that God could not stand to see the people suffer.
Judges 11
- The rise of Jephthah as judge.
- Take note of his victory and his vow.
Psalm 73
- Take note how specific and honest this psalm is. Can we pray that honestly?
I'm pretty sure we just read the first parable of the Bible (Judges 9:7-15). We don't often associate parables with the OT, but there it is.
I love the story behind it. Jotham's brothers have been killed by his brother. Jotham is able to escape; of course, he is fearful for his life. But he returns to deliver a prophetic word to the leaders responsible for his brother's coronation and, more importantly, the death of his other brothers.
It's a courageous thing to do. Maybe he get courage from God. Maybe he conjures some up by remember his father, Gideon. Gideon was the least in his smallest clan, too (presuming that being being the youngest equates being the least).
What's powerful to me is that he comes out of hiding to give his parable. The parable comes with a promise of blessing or curse, depending on what the leaders have done. After that he returns to hiding and we never hear of him again. His prophecy comes true, but he is never seen or spoken of in scripture.
The real courageous people of faith are the ones that "stand in the gap" for others. They aren't seeking notoriety or publicity. There are plenty of times they feel as if they need to hide, but their words and their prayers, sometimes their actions, need to be given. So, they courageously do what God has called them do.
Lord, help us live courageously so.
Stay blessed...john
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