DAY 79
Today's readings represent a transition for the Israelites. After a series of defeats, having the ark captured from them and the sons of Samuel taking advantage of their role as judges, the people will ask to be led by a king. So, no longer will judges rule over them, as God arranged.

1 Samuel 4-8 & Psalm 79DAILY NOTES
1 Samuel 4- Israel's defeat by the Philistines sparks what seems to be the downward spiral for the people.
- The ark is captured by the Philistines because the Israelites have decided to bring it out as a sort of weapon of war. Did God ever say to do that?
- The prophecy against Eli and his sons comes to pass. And wasn't that a horrible way to die?
1 Samuel 5
- The ark makes its way through Philistine territory, creating havoc for the people who hold it. No one wants it!
1 Samuel 6
- The Philistines send the ark back--good riddance for them!
- When some of the Israelites receive it, it had been gone for seven months, they rejoiced and gave an offering to God (I've always felt bad for those cows). But not everyone rejoiced or showed respect to the ark. Those people were killed.
- Consequently, the people know the ark must be taken somewhere else.
1 Samuel 7
- Things are good under Samuel. He is able to get the people to follow God.
1 Samuel 8
- Samuel appoints his sons as judges, but they are not Samuel! They use their office to make money for themselves.
- In turn, the people demand a king. Samuel is against it, but God says to let them have a king.
- Only, tell them what it will be like to live under a king.
Psalm 79
- I've read before to pay attention to the use of "your" in this psalm.
- A great tragedy has come upon the Israelites, probably the destruction of the temple. The people respond with this strong prayer for mercy. The "your" they use is telling God (repeatedly) to preserve his name, his reputation, his temple, his people. The people expect God to respond to what has happened.
"Got to give the people,
give the people want they want."
That's the classic O' Jays song. Apparently, even God realized this.
At first, it seems like a logical request. Samuel, who had been faithful in his service to God, appointed his sons to be judges. In his mind, I assume, they would do just as he did. But that was not the case. Quite the opposite, in fact. They misused their role as judge in order to benefit themselves.
After that, the people approach Samuel and ask for a king to rule them. They recognize that Samuel's sons are unfaithful judges and that Samuel himself is old. Soon, they will not have someone like him to serve as judge. So, just give us a king.
There are two points, though, that we should observe.
First, while the people seem to respond to misdeeds of Samuel's sons, they really just want to be "like other nations."
Secondly, God tells Samuel to let them have a king because they have long turned their back on God's way. Everyone has..the people, the judges. The people seem to blame the system, but God knows this is a heart issue.
What are we to take from that? Pay attention to your life. Pay attention to the life of your church. Which way seems to, for lack of a better phrase, win out?
Stay blessed...john
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