DAY 82
It's time to meet David. In today's reading he is anointed king; he will be king later. He also takes a place in Saul's court and gets a major victory against some tall guy.
Pay attention to how the text begins to illustrate the fall of Samuel while describing the rise of David. Keep note of some of what's said about each man; those little commentaries about their character or their attitude.

1 Samuel 15-17 + Psalm 82DAILY NOTES
1 Samuel 15:1-9- Samuel told Saul to totally annihilate the Amalekites. "Do not spare them."
- Some commentaries have said that even the animals should be killed because the people were sorcerers. They would use the animals in their rituals.
- Kenites were descendants of Jethro
- Saul spares King Agag and the people keep the best of the animals. uh oh.
1 Samuel 15:10-23
- Samuel is angry to find out, from God, that Saul has not followed through with the commands of God. He cried out to the Lord all night. What do you think he was praying? Saying? Crying?
- Did Saul not realize that Samuel knew/assumed where the sheep and cattle came from?
- Samuel asks an interesting question: Even though you're small in your own eyes......
- Another testament to Saul's humility? His insecurity?
- At this point it seems Saul thought he was doing good because he brought the best of the battle back for God.
- Samuel offers a poetic response that centers on one word: obedience.
1 Samuel 15:24-34
- At first, Samuel does not want to go with Saul, but then he does. What changes his mind?
- He seems still pretty upset. After his garment is torn, he offers a pretty descriptive image of what Saul can expect to happen to him and his kingdom.
- It also looks like Saul may be trying to save face.
- Samuel takes care of King Agag.
1 Samuel 16
- Even as Samuel still grieves over Saul, God appoints a new king, David.
- Now it seems Samuel fears Saul.
- God reminds Samuel that the Lord sees the heart of man, not the outward appearance like man does. Remember how Saul once "stood head and shoulders above everyone else"?
- Now, we learn that Saul is tormented by an evil spirit from God. What does that mean? What does it mean to say that "the Spirit of the Lord departed" from Saul?
- David is brought in as a musician for Saul. When did he become a "man of valor, a warrior, prudent in speech, and a man of good presence"?
1 Samuel 17:15
- Why would David go back and forth between Saul and his father's house? Dedication? Commitment? Care?
1 Samuel 17:19
- It doesn't feel like they were fighting yet. Yelling at each other maybe, but not actually fighting.
1 Samuel 17:28
- David's brother is angry with him because he thinks David is just there to see the fight.
- He knows David's evil heart. No one else has described him that way. What does he know that we don't? Or is he making assumptions?
1 Samuel 17:51
- Many people forget this part. Does David bring it as proof? As a trophy? As a tribute to Saul?
1 Samuel 17:55-58
- We have been told that Saul loved David greatly (16:21) and that he requested he leave his house to serve Saul. Saul was with David as he prepared to fight Goliath. Now, all of a sudden, he doesn't even know who he is?
Psalm 82
- This psalm presumes a "divine council." That is, some supernatural committee.
- The action the committee desires is that God would act on behalf of the poor and weak. Justice, from God, is their desire.
Can I stress again that what God has asked us to do is what matters most?Not our bright ideas. Not our agendas. Not what matters most to us.
I think I can mention it again because it comes up again in today's reading. What was Saul's ultimate downfall? Disobedience to God.
Samuel said, "Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obedience to the voice of the Lord? Surely to obey is better than sacrifice."
In other words, just because you went to church doesn't mean you're being obedient. Just because you put a dollar in the offering plate doesn't mean you've decided to live obediently. Just because you're reading the Bible with your church doesn't mean you're trying to live out what you're learning.
Is that too harsh? I hope so. Because at the root of our faith is not the rituals we have. It's not the songs we sing or how we govern the church. It's obedience. Jesus reiterates that time and time again. If you love me, you will keep my commands.
What is God calling you to be obedient to right now?
Stay blessed...john
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