DAY 85
David is still on the run. By the time we finish reading today, he will have left Israel to get away from Saul. Even then, David is still fighting for his people.

1 Samuel 25-27 & Psalm 85DAILY NOTES
1 Samuel 25:1- Samuel dies. He is the last of the prophets of the time before there were kings. But don't worry, he'll be back ;)
1 Samuel 25:2-13
- David seeks relief from Nabal. David reminds Nabal how he has brought no harm to his shearers while they were with David. As a return gesture, Nabal should offer David's men provision as they journey.
- Nabal refuses. He does not ask his people if they story David told is true.
- David prepares to kill Nabal.
1 Samuel 25:23-28
- Nabal's wife, Abigail, brings provision (gifts) to David in hopes it will deter him from killing her husband.
- She pleads with David for 8 verses.
- Notice the actions of the fool (Nabal) and the clever one (Abigail).
- Abigail means "Father's joy."
1 Samuel 26
- The highlight of this chapter is David sparing Saul's life a second time.
- David is able to creep through the camp of Saul. Although David's men want him to kill Saul (again), David refuses because Saul is the Lord's anointed.
- Notice that "a deep sleep from the Lord had fallen upon them." God is with David.
- In Verse 19, David says, "If it is the Lord that has stirred you up against me...." Could we say that God has done so?
1 Samuel 27
- You can't blame David for not trusting Saul.
- David's plan is to leave Israel so that Saul will stop chasing him. His plan works.
- Without a good feel for biblical geography and history of nations, we might miss what David is doing in these verses. He is using his position with the Philistines to attack Israel's enemies. When the Philistine king asks him who he has raided, David gives the names of Philistine enemies.
Psalm 85
- A prayer of restoration.
It seems like David could have walked through Saul's camp all by himself. He didn't need any of his men to come with him. Perhaps that's an advantage you and I have as we read the story so many years later. Did David know how the Lord was working for him?
Of course, this is the second time David's men try to persuade him to take advantage of the situation and kill Saul. But David does not follow through.
I get the sense David wouldn't mind being rid of Saul. Who wouldn't?
David, however, stands firm in his conviction. He will not kill Saul because the king is, after all, God's anointed. What we notice is that David's commitment is less about Saul and more about the Lord. Therefore, David cannot be persuaded to go against what he has deemed right before God, even though it is bringing harm to his life.
Lord help us to be mindful of our tendency to turn from what is faithful just because it isn't easy. I read recently this great idea: You only grow to the threshold of your pain. That means we can't expect to grow in our faith if we bail at the onset of difficulties. Work through the pain of what's before you, and you'll find yourself stronger on the other side of it.
David worked through such pain--someone was trying to kill him. But he maintained his faith in God's order.
What pain are you experiencing that you can see God using to build you?
Stay blessed...john
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