DAY 67
The word of the day is conquest. Joshua and the Israelites continue their advance into the promised land. Every nation that rises against them is defeated. A recurring theme to pay attention to is that of the Divine Warrior. This is a role God plays in Holy War literature.
God continually stands with the Israelites in battle, often participating (see Joshua 10:11, 15). It's an interesting observation to watch for.

Joshua 9-12 & Psalm 67DAILY NOTES
Joshua 9- The Gibeonites hear of Israel's victory and devise a plan to make peace with them so that they are not defeated. Remember how Jacob's cunning ways play out for him?
- Their plan is to act as if they have come from a far away place. That would entitle them protection from the Israelites.
- The plan works. Joshua makes peace with them and a covenant.
Joshua 10
- The Israelites defeat another group of nations. God fights for them.
Joshua 11
- A telling of the nations Joshua and the Israelites defeat.
Joshua 12
- A listing of the kings defeated by Moses and Joshua.
Psalm 67
- Let the peoples praise you, O God!
How strong are our commitments to God?That was my question as I read about the Gibeonites tricking the Israelites. The Gibeonites may have tricked the Israelites, but the people of God made a commitment, before God, to protect the them. Of course, we've seen similar promises made before. Each time, the expectation is that you will follow through with your promise.
What about our promises to each other? Our promises to the church? To God? How willing are we to stand true to our commitments even if, maybe even especially if, we don't want to do so? I can't image Joshua and the leaders wanted to keep theirs with the Gibeonites. But, because they swore "to them by the Lord," they did.
Jesus once said, "Let your 'Yes' be 'Yes' and your 'No' be 'No.'" Maybe a prayer we can take from today's reading should be for us to stay true to the promises we have made to God and to each other.
Stay blessed...john
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