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April 20 + Daily notes & readings

DAY 110

You didn't know the prophet Isaiah could sing, did you?
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Isaiah 5-8 & Psalm 110


Isaiah 5

  • Isaiah sings a song for his friend's (beloved) vineyard.  Notice that the vineyard was on a "very fertile hill."  It should have been fruitful.  His friend expected it to yield grapes, but it did not.
  • Isaiah says that the people of God are like that vineyard.  God expected something from them, but saw something else.
  • Notice the expectation of justice that is highlighted in Verse 8, and how justice and righteousness relates to God in Verse 16.
  • Consequently, God will give a signal to foreign countries to lay waste to Israel.
Isaiah 6
  • Isaiah's vision of God.  Notice the details about the vision.  My favorite part of this chapter is after Isaiah says, "Here I am; send me!"  Pay attention to what God tells Isaiah to say.
Isaiah 7
  • Isaiah assures Ahaz. The chapter outlines the birth of a child, Immanuel, as a sign; God gave the sign himself since Ahaz didn't want to ask for one.  Most take Ahaz's refusal to ask for a sign as an illustration of his unbelief.  If that's so, that makes what happens in Verse 17 understandable. God is judging his unbelief.
Isaiah 8
  • In this chapter we have another reference to Isaiah's family.  He and his sons will serve as signs for the people.  
    • Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz means "quick to the spoils"
    • Shear Jashub means "a remnant shall return"
Psalm 110
  • The psalm is traditionally considered one that points directly to the kingship of Christ.


Isaiah's son, and the prophet himself, are to serve as a vivid message to the people of God.  His sons' names are sermons!  How must that have felt?  To know that who you are, literally, is a sign to others of God's promises?

Well, we should know.  Most modern parents don't choose names for their children the way the ancient world did.  Even so, our lives are meant to be a reflection (message) of the love of Christ.  Remember Jesus saying, "let your light shine...."  He also told his disciples that once the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost they would be his witnesses.  Finally, Paul picks that up in Philippians when he says, "that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world..."

So, our lives are supposed to be a message to the world around us, too.

You may have a boring name, but you have an awesome God!

Stay blessed...john


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