DAY 115

Isaiah 28-30 & Psalm 115DAILY NOTES
Isaiah 28- The people had trusted in themselves. God assures them he has "one who is mighty and strong." It's been said that God has a mighty wind that will bring destruction to the people.
- The Church has found in this chapter (Verse 16) a messianic prophecy that points to Jesus.
Isaiah 29
- How low will Jerusalem be brought down? Verse 4 says their voice will come "deep from the earth," and "from the ground like the voice of a ghost."
- Verses 9-10 remind me of what God told Isaiah to do back in Chapter 6.
Isaiah 30
- The people had planned to align themselves with Egypt. They were confident in the protection and aid Pharaoh would give them. Of course, to turn to Pharaoh meant to turn their back on God.
- Not only did they turn from God, the people wanted to make sure the prophets weren't speaking what God told them. They wanted to hear "smooth things," or flattery.
- Still, God promises there will be a time when he will turn from his wrath. Jerusalem will "weep no more." Notice that God is called Teacher.
- God will bring judgement, but will relent "at the sound of your cry."
Psalm 115
- The psalmist knows that idols are worthless. What is the point of putting our trust in them? They were made by us.
- Our trust belongs to God. And since we trust God, we praise God!
That was some scary reading. In Chapter 29 Isaiah says that the reason (because) Jerusalem will fall is because they have honored God with their lips while their hearts were far from him. In other words, they were "going through the motions." In Chapter 30 the people rebel against God so much that they don't even want the prophets to speak God's truth to them. They want to know how good they're doing. They want the prophets to forget what God has told them and tell them things that make them feel good.
Be warned. Those are both real threats today. There are congregations being led by people simply playing church. Truly there is no vision from God. You can tell by the fruit. And there are plenty of people who remind preachers all the time how much money they give and how long they've been "around this church." So, that preacher would do well to think about their message a little more, if you know what I mean.
What is most striking about playing church and not wanting to hear from God is that it is pretty apparent to others. Isaiah saw it. Other prophets did as well. You can, too.
The take away, then, is to be on the look out. Let's not let our churches be led that way. And let's not let our hearts be strayed that way either.
Stay blessed...john
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