DAY 116
Isaiah 31-35 & Psalm 116DAILY NOTES
Isaiah 31- Notice the imagery the prophet uses to describe God.
- The people have trusted the alliances they have made with Egypt.
Isaiah 32
- A future king will rule over the people. The king will rule in righteousness and the kingdom will do likewise.
Isaiah 33
- God again assures the people that they will be restored.
Isaiah 34-35
- The prophecies deal with the time after the exile.
Psalm 116
- The psalmist was "brought low" and God saved him.
- The psalm points to an illness the psalmist endured that God delivered him from.
- The outcome is healing and thankful praise.
"The Egyptians are human, and not God." Of course. We know that. We know that we are not God.What happens, though, is that we put too much trust in ourselves and/or other people. We give others or ourselves the place God should have in our decision making. In other words, even though we know we're not God, we sure start acting like it.
And where does that get us? It brought the people of God destruction. Most of us can see that it brings disarray to our lives, too. So, what's it going to take to get us out of God's place? How do we not think, decide and act like we're in full charge of our lives?
Figure that out and you've got a recipe for faithfulness.
Stay blessed...john
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