DAY 98
Today's readings center around the reign of the several of the kings of Israel and Judah. You'll notice, for the most part, a common thread surrounding each king's activities.Here are the kings we've met so far:

1 Kings 11-13 & Psalm 98DAILY NOTES
Psalm 98Because we know the Lord's victory, we are to sing praises to God. God has been faithful and victorious. Our joyful noises are celebrations of God's awesome power and judgement.
What a way to be remembered! If you were a king of Israel or Judah, sure some of the specific things you did would be remembered. They're written in the Books of the Annals of somebody.
More importantly, though, you would be remembered, first and foremost, by if you did what was evil in the sight of the Lord or what was right in the sight of the Lord.
You and I may not reign over kingdoms, but people still know us. If asked, what do you hope would be the first thing someone would say about you? Would you want them to mention your charm? Your work ethic? Your kindness, or service?
What if they said, first and foremost, you were someone who followed God wholeheartedly? What a witness!
Stay blessed...john
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