DAY 148
We've heard from Job's friends, and we've heard a lot from Job. Someone new is introduced to the story.

Job 32-34 & Psalm 143DAILY NOTES
Job 32- Is Elihu a friend of Job? He is introduced and we are told he is mad at Job's friends and at Job.
- He waits to speak up because he was waiting for the right time to voice his opinion. Elihu is younger and wanted to show respect. He held his tongue for as long as he could.
- He reminds us that wisdom doesn't, necessarily come with age. It is the breath of the Almighty that makes someone wise.
- He is upset with the friends because they could not offer Job any words of wisdom.
Job 33
- Elihu doesn't appreciate Job's contention with God. Job seems to be forgetting how God answers people and what God does for the well being of his people.
Job 34
- So far, Elihu seems to be voicing much of what Job's friends have already said. He says that Job, "adds rebellion to his sin."
Psalm 143
- In the middle of affliction, how does the will of God save you?
Elihu is a little perturbed. He had kept his mouth closed for a while, hoping to hear a bit of wisdom from the older friends of Job (maybe from Job, too?). They did not come through for him. Out of respect, he bit his tongue until he could no longer stand the nonsense he heard.
I love what he says to the friends. Actually, I love The Message translation: The experts have no corner on wisdom; getting old doesn't guarantee good sense.
That means getting wisdom takes effort. Just because you're a bit older than someone else doesn't mean you are wiser than they are. Wisdom comes from the Spirit of God. So, anyone willing to submit to the Spirit's lead, can be wise in God's eyes.
That's a blessing to know! Whatever you do, get wisdom.
Stay blessed...john
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