DAY 125
Isaiah 61-64 & Psalm 120DAILY NOTES
Isaiah 61- Either God's spirit is upon the prophet Isaiah or on the servant of God (why not both?). Since he is anointed by God he has a message and a mission (vss. 1-3).
- In response, the people of God will have work to do as well.
- Remember when God said to "speak kindly to Jerusalem" because she had received double for her sins (40:2)? Now God says, because their shame was double, they will receive a double "portion" (vs. 7).
Isaiah 62
- God will give the people of God a new name. This new name will replace what they had been known as to others in their exile and shame. Actually, it looks like there may be several new names:
- My Delight Is in Her (vs. 4)
- The Holy People (vs. 12)
- The Redeemed of the Lord
- Sought Out
- A City Not Forsaken
Isaiah 63
- God has just come from bringing judgment on Edom (vss. 1-6). It seems pretty graphic.
- God's mercy is praised.
Isaiah 64
- The people seek God's presence to come down as before.
- The people acknowledge their sin. They were delivered "into the hand of our iniquity."
- But because God is the Father of the people, they can cry out and pray for deliverance.
Psalm 120
- Someone has brought distress upon the psalmist by way of lying. He has an idea of what he would like to do to that person (vs. 4).
As the people reflect on how they have seen God act before, they are hoping God will "come down" once again. Here's the thought that caught my attention today. Every act of God that we read about in scripture, every time God acted on behalf of the people, it was a surprise to them (vs. 3).Of course it was!
They had been enslaved for generations. They had not experienced God before. So, as they travel in the desert and make their way to the promised land, every time intervenes it is a surprise to see how God works. Some of those surprises were big. Some, perhaps, were painful.
Still, that's an interesting way to consider the work of God. As we pray to God for certain things, are we willing to be surprised? We might want to reevaluate our relationship with God if not. If we're only looking to God to fulfill our wishes, it may be that we've tried to keep God under control. That's not a position we really want to take.
So, ask God for a surprise. It may take you out of our comfort zone, but I'm sure it'll give you something to praise God for!
Stay blessed...john
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