DAY 152
You read your schedule correctly.Today, we're reading Psalms 1 & 2 and Psalm 147. Tomorrow we're starting the book of Proverbs. Make sure to watch today's Bible Project video. It gives a great understanding of the psalms and help you see why we're reading Psalm 1 & 2 today before starting Proverbs.
When we're done with all 150 psalms, we'll start over reading them again. If you watch the video, you won't read them the same!
Psalms 1-2 & Psalm 147No Daily Notes today.
Have you ever heard someone comment that they don't feel they can be honest with God? That is, they feel a certain way about a situation, but don't think it's right to tell God how they feel. Instead of praying honestly about pain, disappointment and anger, they take a "smile and wave" approach to prayer, life and faith.Hopefully, as we've read the Bible together, you've seen that is not a faithful response to God. The Lord knows us and understands us. And God wants us to be honest. We aren't taking anything away from who God is if we're honest with God. In fact, honesty before God leads to healing.
We don't have to play church or have the perfect Christianese response to life. Let's be real with God so we can experience the realness of God's grace.
The psalms are real. There's some real complaining, mourning and anger happening in the psalms. There's also trust, praise and powerful prayer.
How real are you?
Stay blessed...john
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