DAY 120 DAILY READINGS Isaiah 45-48 & Psalm 119:33-64 DAILY NOTES Isaiah 45 Cyrus does not know it, but he will be an instrument of the Lord. He is the founder/leader of the Persian Empire. "Cyrus is the only non-Israelite designated in the OT as God's anointed (messiah), a term usually reserved for Israel's kings or high priests." What a message! God says that it was never his intention for his people to live in chaos. Did God ever say, "Seek me in chaos" (vs19)? No! Another way it's thought God asks the question is: I did not say to the offspring of Jacob, "Seek me in vain." Isaiah 46 Idols are made need to be carried. God does not. God says, "I have made, and I will bear; I will carry and will save." Isaiah 47 Babylon is illustrated as a princess who has been stripped of all things. She was once a princess, but now she stands in disgrace. The reason Babylon is punished by God is because th...